Sunday, August 24, 2008

In the clear!

Well, Baby Jones is officially full term! I simply CANNOT believe how fast this pregnancy has gone....with the exception of these last few weeks of course. I have definitely entered the uncomfortable stage and am not sleeping much but I know it will be over soon. I am getting more and more excited to meet our little girl and see what she looks like. About a month ago I decided to leave my midwife group at Evergreen and decided to deliver this one at a birth center. I received excellent care from my previous midwives but I just decided that I did not want to have this baby in a hospital setting especially since I am going natural this time. It took Greg and I a long time to come to this decision but I am really happy with it. The midwives are absolutely awesome and the facility is wonderful. Go here to check it out.

We still are not closer to a name but I am not worried about it. When I was pregnant with Mahayla we had a list and we chose a name once she was born and that is exactly what we will be doing with this one. Mahayla would like to name the baby Sara but that is not on our list. Earlier this week I took her to Build a Bear and she made a little teddy bear for her new sissy and named is Sara so I have informed her that we cannot name her sister after her bear. She has been so cute about this baby all along and I think (read: HOPE) that she will be a great big sister. She lifts my shirt up in the morning and says good mornign to her and gives her kisses all through the day. I swear, if this next baby is just half as sweet as Mahayla is we'll be happy!